Company Picnics
Industry leading, turnkey company events for all occasions.

Are you stressed?
Are you tired of putting your blood, sweat and tears into making sure your company picnic is perfect only to receive little to no thanks when it’s all over? We understand your pain. If you are like most of our clients, you slave tirelessly to create a great experience for the employees of your organization. All of that behind the scenes work typically goes unnoticed. You are the unsung hero. Does this sound familiar?
When you trust GOAT Events with your special day, we’ll not only create an unforgettable picnic for your guests, but we’ll make you look like an event planning superhero in the process. This is where you will see us at our best. For almost 15 years, we have produced thousands of corporate picnics that have left guests with great memories, big smiles and full stomachs. We sell an experience for your guests. We know that every detail counts and that it’s the many small wows that add up to the BIG WOW!
Along with your company picnic, we offer a free partnership program that includes custom made flyers, posters and even a website that will give your guests all the information needed for the event and get them excited for a great time. You will also receive free picnic classics such as tug-of-war, hula hoop contests, limbo, sack races and more! Ask us today for more details!
Complete the form: we'll handle the rest!
We’ll send you an information kit and work with you to create a custom proposal with everything you need to plan the most dynamic, audience-pleasing, wow-factor picnic you have ever had! Don’t want to mess with a form? No problem! Click here to visit our contact page.